What if I told you that you can afford a doula?
A doula is an integral member of your birth team. Whether you are planning a hospital birth with allll the pain meds you can get your hands on, a homebirth with nothing but water and essential oils, or any other sort of awesome birth in between, a doula is going to be one of the most valuable investments you can make for one of the most important days of your life.
Did you know that women remembered the details of their births, specifically how they felt and were treated, more than 20 years down the line? It’s as important as your wedding day (if not more so) – and we all know how much we spend on those …
I don’t think I need to tell you how amazing it is to have continuous support from a professional during labour and birth; the statistics really do speak for themselves! But I digress; let’s not forget the confidence a doula can instil in a partner (yes, Dad, we see that look of pride and relief on your face when you can reduce much of the discomfort your partner is feeling just by squeezing her hips in a certain way!). You really would be hard pressed to find any parents whose birth experience wasn’t all the better for having had a doula’s support.
So let’s get down to it – the rands and cents! Just how do you get the funds together for a doula? Here are some of the top ways:
Seems obvious, huh? For just R15 a day – the mere price of a cup of that delicious, sorta-acceptable-during-pregnancy decaf coffee – you will have saved enough money over the course of your pregnancy to hire a top-notch doula.
Medical Aid
Many medical aids (Discovery, Fedhealth, and Momentum, to name but a few) have taken note of the strong evidence in favour of doula support, and now pay a portion of your doula’s fee. Check with your medical aid if they have a doula benefit, and what their requirements are.
Baby Shower Gift
Instead of splurging on those adorable, tiny shoes that your newborn baby won’t ever wear, why not add a doula to your baby shower gift registry? Guests love being able to contribute towards a practical gift; one you will remember for many years to come!
Some doulas offer credit via the MediWallet facility. If you only decided a bit later on in your pregnancy that you would like to use a doula’s services, then this is a great option for you! It allows you to pay off your doula’s fee over the course of 18 months.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Once a decision becomes a priority, it is quite amazing how creative one can get with financing! Think twice about that leather nappy bag you just have to have, and consider the value you will get from having an amazing birthing experience you will remember for the rest of your life.
Did you have a doula? How did you pay for their services?
Hey Tamryn! I LOVE this article! Very important to paint the picture to expectant parents on what simple and unnecessary things can be sacrificed, for something so meaningful, and with far – reaching effects on the whole family. Do you know if Mediwallet involves interest by any chance?
Hi, Zaahida! Thanks for your comment. 🙂
I felt this is such an important article to post. If I had a rand for every time I heard someone say, “I wish I could afford a doula, but …” I would be rather rich by now LOL! It really does come down to priorities.
Yes, there is interest payable with MediWallet – they aim to keep it about 2% less than credit card interest.