Breastfeeding Support

Shakti Births provides in-person and remote breastfeeding support and information to breastfeeding parents.

breastfeeding support with shakti births

We know what it feels like to be handed your newborn and expected to know how to breastfeed. Yes, it’s a natural skill, but it’s not like breathing – it’s more like learning to walk. It takes patience, practice, and a good amount of determination and support.

Tamryn is a breastfeeding mother herself with over 4 years’ experience breastfeeding her daughter. She is trained to provide breastfeeding support and information within the scope of a doula, and can refer to certified lactation consultants or other relevant professionals as and when needed.

We know what is normal and what is not – kind of like your own live encyclopaedia of all things breastfeeding. When you don’t know who to contact, you can contact us. You are assured of non-judgmental support and evidence-based information.

Think of us as your experienced “breast friend” (breastie, if you will).

Whether you find yourself at home with a newborn and you’re not sure which position to feed in, or 4 months into your breastfeeding journey and need advice on pumping and returning to work, we are available to advise and support you in reaching your individual breastfeeding goals. 

We follow evidence-based guidelines from the World Health Organisation and La Leche League International.

what we can assist you with

Breastfeeding Support Packages

Electronic Breastfeeding Support

Phone, WhatsApp, and email support
R 250 per hour
  • Remote support via phone, WhatsApp, or e-mail on the topics mentioned above.

In-person Breastfeeding Support

Face-to-face support in the comfort of your own home
R 300 per hour
  • Face-to-face support in the comfort of your own home on the topics mentioned above. Excludes travel outside of Centurion.

tamryn's Breastfeeding Journey

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